My big kid has been asking me all week to make him a rhino lovey. He found his old lion lovey not long after the little guy was born and has been more attached to it in the last year or so than he ever was when he was a baby. Because he is really into super heroes he has bestowed his lovey with super powers and calls it "All Power Lovey." Now, apparently, All Power Lovey needs a side kick. And that sidekick is a rhino.
He requested that the rhino part be blue. He told me the blanket part could be any color fabric I had (although later he clarified that it shouldn't be pink or purple). Hubby even helped him create a mock-up of what he wanted. Here it is:
I had told my big kid that I had a lot of things on my list to sew and I wasn't sure when I could get around to making him a rhino lovey, but once I saw the mock-up I knew I had to make it. So on Saturday I got started drafting a pattern for the head. My first muslin didn't come out so well:
When I showed it to my big kid he suggested that maybe I should look at the mock-up again. I told him it wasn't as far off as he thought, and on my next attempt I was happy with the head shape. I sewed it up in the blue fleece we picked out from my stash, adding ears, the horns in white flannel and little black felt eyes. I then sewed a couple arms, which the big kid stuffed for me and then it was ready to attach to the blanket! I made a little blanket with orange and green fleece squares on one side and a light blue satin on the other. I rounded off the corners of the blanket and tied them just like the ones on his lion lovey:
Then I just had to sew the head and arms on to the middle of the blanket by hand. And this is the final result:
Not bad, if I do say so myself. The big kid was happy with it...
I think it comes pretty close to the mock-up too:
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